Let’s Meet Together

Christmas fun and games were not over for the dozen people who met together on Friday 3rd January 2025. Our jolly post-Christmas catch-up was accompanied by the usual welcome cup of tea and homemade cake, and enabled some to pit their wits at Scrabble while others played a less challenging game of ‘Mind the Gap’- a card game inspired by Transport for London.  It proved a very pleasant afternoon and reaffirmed our decision to Meet Together early in the New Year.

Our intention is to continue meeting on the first Friday afternoon of the month until the holiday season gets under way. You are welcome to join us. Each month is slightly different, but always offers a chance for a chat with others and a welcome cup of tea. Various quizzes, puzzles and games are included to motivate the grey cells and occasionally outside organisations of interest will visit, offering advice and answering your questions.

We extend a special invitation to our next gathering which will take place on Friday 7th February starting at 2 pm – held at St Nicholas Church Hall. On this occasion, the local Fire Service has been booked to speak briefly about ‘Safety in the Home’ and will answer any questions you may have**. There will also be a table- top (subject related) puzzle to resolve as well as the usual welcoming cup of tea and cake. This occasion is open to anyone who wishes to come along – there’s no joining fee and people of all ages and capabilities are welcome. Please come and invite your neighbours and friends.

fire service icons

Looking forward to welcoming you.

Liz Hann

** Naturally this booking carries the caveat that the Fire Service may be called out on operational duties – but we hope not.

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