Have your say on BCP Council’s latest consultations

Family Hubs and Early Help Services Redesign Consultation

We are asking young people, parents, carers, wider family members and key stakeholders to have your say on proposals relating to proposed changes to our Family Hubs and Early Help Service.

The proposals aim to save £1.1 million to help balance the council’s budget in 2024/25 as part of a wider budget consultation currently taking place and to make services we provide to children, young people and their families more efficient. Please note, we are not consulting on reducing the current provision being provided. There will be opportunities to attend face-to-face events with officers if you have any questions about the proposals. The consultation will close at midnight on 10 March 2024.

For more information and to have your say, please visit the consultation page.

BCP Alcohol Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) Review Consultation

In 2021, following harmonisation of BCP councils’ approach to dealing with street based anti-social behaviour and following a public consultation, a PSPO was introduced on 1st July 2021 across identified areas in BCP to deal with alcohol related anti-social behaviour.

The PSPO is due to expire on the 30th June 2024 and, prior to the PSPO’s end date, the Council must undertake a consultation to determine if the PSPO should be extended, varied or revoked. The Council is obliged to consult with the local Chief Officer of Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner, owners or occupiers of land within the affected area where reasonably practicable, appropriate community representatives and the general public.

We are asking residents, service users, community groups, Town and Parish Councils, businesses, and partner organisations to have your say on the consultation to review the BCP Alcohol Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that came into force in 2021. The consultation will close at 23:59 on 12 February 2024.

To have your say, please visit the consultation page.

Local Transport Plan Issues and Opportunities

BCP Council and Dorset Council are working together to develop a new Local Transport Plan. The plan shall set out transport policy that will influence the different options that used to move around Dorset safely, efficiently, and sustainably for years to come. This will be a joint plan, designed and managed by BCP and Dorset Councils using the results of this wide-reaching engagement survey to inform the process. The Councils are listening to valuable feedback and not making any big decisions at this stage. The proposed draft plan will be developed using the engagement feedback and shall be subject to public consultation before adoption.

You can give us your views on the issues and opportunities identified for the future of transport in BCP and Dorset on the main engagement page. The engagement will close on
3 March 2024.

Kind regards,

Research and Consultation Team


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