Library services consultation

From: Councillor Judy Richardson <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 at 19:55
Subject: FW: Library consultation postcards
Hello Residents

You will see from Cllr Martin’s email below that we are being encouraged to ‘Have Our Say’ in the future of our library services. Tuckton Library is an extremely valuable resource for all age groups within our neighbourhood and this is our opportunity to protect it for the future – Cllr Martin has given full details for resident access to the consultation so please take part.

Best wishes, Judy

From: Councillor Andy Martin <>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 1:53 PM

Subject: Library consultation postcards

Dear Colleagues

We launched our far-reaching engagement survey on the future of the library service last week. We are committed to future proofing our library service for future generations, and I passionately believe that our libraries must continue to play an absolutely central role at the heart of our communities, indeed they must become more important than ever.

We want to hear from as many residents and community groups as possible; those who use the Home Library Service, along with the voices of children and young people as well as those residents who do not currently use their local library. There are three online surveys available for people to complete; one aimed at adults and two designed for children and young people.

I have arranged for a supply of promotional postcards now available in the mailroom on the ground floor of the Civic Centre. If you head to reception, they will direct you to where you can pick these up to distribute in your ward so that we can spread the message as far as possible. Please help with this.

Please encourage your residents to take part in the survey by visiting Paper copies of the survey are also available at every BCP Library and there is also an easy-read version of the survey which can be made available upon request.

Many thanks. This consultation is crucial to the future of our communities.



Cllr Andy Martin

Christchurch Independent

Highcliffe and Walkford Ward

07809 419138

Portfolio Holder for Customer, Communications and Culture

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